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受欧佩克+减产提振 油价将温和回升

作者: 2020年07月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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在参加5月和6月调查的37名受访者中,有26人上调了对布伦特原油2020年的预测价格。法国巴黎银行商品研究主管Harry Tchilinguirian表示,第三季度经济复苏步伐将保持温和。


根据一项新协议,欧佩克+自5月以来一直在创纪录地每日减产970万桶,以支撑受疫情打击的油价和需求。欧佩克+ 5月份的减产配额执行率为87%。


王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


Oil prices set for modest recovery on OPEC+ cuts, improving demand: Reuters poll

Oil prices will consolidate at around $40 a barrel this year, with a recovery gaining steam in the fourth quarter and into 2021 on OPEC-led production cuts and as economies limp back from coronavirus lockdowns, a Reuters poll showed on Tuesday.

The survey of 45 analysts forecast benchmark Brent crude would average $40.41 a barrel in 2020, up from a forecast of $37.58 in a similar survey last month.

The global benchmark has averaged $42.10 so far this year. It was trading just below $42 a barrel on Tuesday, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude was at $39.19.

The poll estimates the price of WTI would average $36.10 a barrel this year, up from a forecast of $32.78 in the May survey.

Of the 37 contributors who participated in both the May and June polls, 26 raised their 2020 Brent forecasts.

“The pace of this recovery will remain modest in the third quarter,” said Harry Tchilinguirian, head of commodity research at BNP Paribas.

But it will “accelerate in Q4 under the combined effect of voluntary output restraints by OPEC+ producers, market-driven production declines and a sequential recovery in demand with the reinstatement of economic activity reinforced by monetary and fiscal stimulus measures.”

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies, known as OPEC+, under a new agreement have been cutting output since May by a record 9.7 million barrels per day (bpd) to support prices and demand hit by the pandemic.

OPEC+ compliance with the cuts in May was 87%.

However, analysts warned that a global rise in COVID-19 cases, which topped 10.15 million as of June 29, could potentially spark further restrictions and slow any economic recovery, and in turn, demand.

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