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作者: 2020年07月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据路透社7月2日报道,英国石油公司(BP)表示,已完成将其普拉德霍湾(Prudhoe Bay)油气生产资产出售给全资控股的Hilcorp能源公司的交易,结束了其作为阿拉斯加最大石油生产商长达60年的历史。

据路透社7月2日报道,英国石油公司(BP)表示,已完成将其普拉德霍湾(Prudhoe Bay)油气生产资产出售给全资控股的Hilcorp能源公司的交易,结束了其作为阿拉斯加最大石油生产商长达60年的历史。


两家公司在声明中称,这项价值56亿美元的交易,包括英国石油在跨阿拉斯加管道系统(Trans Alaska Pipeline System)的持股,该管道系统将原油从普拉德霍湾输送至阿拉斯加南部海岸,这一交易将在本季度结束。

Hilcorp Energy首席执行官格雷格?拉利克尔(Greg Lalicker)表示:“我们期待着在未来几十年内继续推动经济增长,创造阿拉斯加就业机会,为当地经济做出贡献。”


通过周三的收购,总部位于德克萨斯州的Hilcorp公司已成为德克萨斯州第二大石油生产商和储量持有者,仅次于康菲石油公司。Hilcorp发言人卢克?米勒(Luke Miller)表示,此次收购将使其在阿拉斯加的员工人数增加近两倍,达到1450人。

洪伟立 摘译自 路透社


BP completes sale of Alaskan oil and gas producing properties to Hilcorp Energy

BP Plc said it completed the sale of its Prudhoe Bay oil and gas producing properties to closely-held Hilcorp Energy, ending 60 years as a top Alaskan oil producer.

BP and other oil majors have reduced their production roles in the northernmost U.S. state as output slid and lower-cost fields emerged elsewhere. Hilcorp, known for buying up oil castoffs, acquired half of another BP Alaska project in 2014.

The $5.6 billion deal, including BP’s stake in the Trans Alaska Pipeline System which carries crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to Alaska’s southern coast, should wrap up this quarter, both companies said in statements.

“We look forward to continuing to drive economic growth, create Alaskan jobs and contribute to local economies for decades to come,” said Greg Lalicker, chief executive of Hilcorp Energy.

The agreement calls for Hilcorp to pay $4 billion to BP over an unspecified time, with the remaining $1.6 billion based on future earnings from the properties. Terms were revised and pushed back as Hilcorp sought to raise financing.

With Wednesday’s purchase, Texas-based Hilcorp becomes the state’s second largest oil producer and reserves holder, behind ConocoPhillips. Hilcorp will nearly triple its workforce in Alaska, to 1,450 employees with the acquisition, said Luke Miller, Hilcorp spokesman.

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标签:阿拉斯加 油气
