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作者: 2020年07月07日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据能源世界网7月2日报道,高盛(Goldman Sachs)周四表示,通勤人数的增加、向私人交通的转变,以及政府通过加大基础设施支出来改善经济的努力,应有助于全球石油需求到2022年恢复到疫情之前的水平。

据能源世界网7月2日报道,高盛(Goldman Sachs)周四表示,通勤人数的增加、向私人交通的转变,以及政府通过加大基础设施支出来改善经济的努力,应有助于全球石油需求到2022年恢复到疫情之前的水平。






郝芬 译自 能源世界网


Goldman Sachs sees oil demand returning to pre-coronavirus levels by 2022

Goldman Sachs said on Thursday a pick-up in commuting, a shift to private transportation and government efforts to improve economies with higher infrastructure spending should help global oil demand return to pre-coronavirus levels by 2022.

Demand is expected to fall by 8 per cent this year, before rebounding 6 per cent in 2021 and fully recovering to pre-pandemic levels by 2022, the US bank said in a note.

"Oil demand has already started to recover with the initial pace of recovery surprising to the upside in economies like China and India. Demand is still below normalised level with June demand estimated to be 12 per cent below last year levels," Goldman said.

The bank expects gasoline to stage the fastest demand recovery among oil products, while jet fuel consumption, which has been hit the most by the pandemic, could suffer more as consumer confidence in air travel is likely to stay low in the absence of a vaccine.

While fuel demand is gradually recovering as lockdown measures ease, a second coronavirus wave could quickly undermine the trend, industry data showed last week.

A Reuters poll on Tuesday estimated oil prices will consolidate at around $40 a barrel this year, with a recovery gaining steam in the fourth quarter and into 2021 on OPEC-led production cuts and as economies limp back from coronavirus lockdowns.

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标签:基础设施 石油需求
