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作者: 2020年07月08日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据离岸工程7月3日报道,日本工业省(ministry of industry)上周五表示,它已确定了10个可能适合开发海上风力发电场的区域,其中4个被指定为“有前景的区域”。日本开始了第二轮遴选运营商的程序。

据离岸工程7月3日报道,日本工业省(ministry of industry)上周五表示,它已确定了10个可能适合开发海上风力发电场的区域,其中4个被指定为“有前景的区域”。日本开始了第二轮遴选运营商的程序。





洪伟立 摘译自 离岸工程


Japan Identifies 10 Areas for Offshore Wind Projects

Japan's industry ministry said on Friday it has identified 10 areas as potentially suitable for development of offshore wind farms, four of which were designated "promising areas", as it started a second round of the process to select operators.

Japan's offshore wind power market is expected to grow after the government enforced a law last year to enhance development of wind farms.

The new promising areas include two in the Sea of Japan off Aomori and one off Akita, both in northern Japan, and one off Nagasaki in the south.

For those areas, the preparation process, which includes wind and geological surveys and the formation of councils to consult communities, will start immediately.

Last year, the ministry selected four promising areas from 11 that were seen as potentially suitable for offshore wind power development.

Of those four, the 21 megawatt (MW) Goto project in Nagasaki is leading the way, with the ministry launching a bidding process to select an operator in June, the first auction under the new law.

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