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作者: 2020年07月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据7月6日Offshore Energy报道,法国GTT公司与俄罗斯Zvezda船厂签订一份订单,订购五艘ARC7型破冰液化天然气运输船。

据7月6日Offshore Energy报道,法国GTT公司与俄罗斯Zvezda船厂签订一份订单,订购五艘ARC7型破冰液化天然气运输船。


2019年早些时候,这家俄罗斯航运巨头还为诺瓦泰克北极LNG 2项目订购了一艘试用液化天然气船。所有这些船都将服务于诺瓦泰克的北极液化天然气2号项目,以及亚马尔液化天然气和其他计划中的项目。位于吉丹半岛的北极2号项目包括建造3条液化天然气生产线。




洪伟立 摘译自 Offshore Energy


GTT nets Zvezda order for five Arc7 LNG carriers

France’s GTT has won an order from Russia’s Zvezda shipyard for the tank design of five ARC7 ice-breaking LNG carriers.

These 172,600-cbm vessels will be able to navigate in ice-covered waters and will serve Novatek’s projects in the Arctic, GTT said.

GTT added that delivery of the vessels is scheduled between the first and the fourth quarter of 2023.

The shipowner behind the order is Sovcomflot that formed a shipping venture with Novatek last year to focus on Arctic LNG carriers.

The Russian shipping giant also ordered a pilot LNG carrier for Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project at Zvezda earlier in 2019.

All of these vessels will serve Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project, but also Yamal LNG and other planned projects.

The Arctic 2 project located on the Gydan peninsula includes the construction of three LNG trains.

The trains will have a capacity of 6.6 mtpa, each, using gravity-based structure platforms.

Novatek recently said that the project is about 19 per cent complete, with concrete casting of the first GBS platform about 37 per cent complete.

The Russian company expects to launch the first LNG train in 2023, with trains 2 and 3 to follow in 2024 and 2026, respectively.

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