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作者: 2020年07月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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Viviana Coelho表示,液化天然气装置可以替代在距海岸100英里以外的深水勘探区生产的石油所产生的天然气。 目前尚不清楚计划中的项目是否有时间表。

该公司的正式名称为巴西国家石油公司(Petroleo Brasileiro SA),目前依靠海上管道将海上生产的天然气输送到海岸进行加工。


自发现以来,仅十多年间,被困在大西洋海底一层厚厚盐层之下的油藏,已为巴西提供了超过65%的石油产量。 预计该比率将继续上升。





郝芬 译自 OE网站


Petrobras Considers LNG Units for Pre-salt's Natural Gas

Brazilian state-controlled oil company Petrobras is considering installing offshore units to liquefy the growing natural gas production from the so-called pre-salt area, the company's emissions and climate change manager said during a webinar on Friday.

Liquefied natural gas units could be an alternative for the gas associated with oil produced at the deep-water exploratory region located more than 100 miles off the coast, said Viviana Coelho. It was unclear if a projected program has a timeframe.

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as the firm is formally known, currently relies on offshore pipelines to bring natural gas produced offshore to the coast for processing.

Lack of infrastructure to ship offshore natural gas to the coast is seen as a possible limitation for rising oil production at the pre-salt, Petrobras has said.

The reservoirs, where oil is trapped beneath a thick layer of salt in the Atlantic seabed, have supplied more than 65% of Brazil's production in just over a decade since their discovery. The rate is expected to keep rising.

A small portion of the gas is burned through flaring systems at the platforms.

Brazil has strict legislation to limit flaring, and Petrobras wants to reduce its routine flaring emissions to zero by 2030, Coelho said in the presentation.

Flaring releases methane, and Petrobras aims to reduce the company's greenhouse gas emissions by 30% to 50% by 2025, she said.

The Brazilian company used 97.6% of its natural gas in May, according to Brazil's oil regulator. A significant portion is reinjected into the ground to control reservoir pressure and increase oil production, Petrobras said.

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标签:巴国油 LNG装置 盐下层天然气
