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作者: 2020年07月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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执行副总裁弗朗斯·蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans)表示,这项提案征集恰逢适当时机。 欧盟将投资10亿欧元用于有前途的,市场准备好的项目,例如清洁氢或其他低碳解决方案,用于钢铁,水泥和化工等能源密集型行业。 我们还将支持储能,电网解决方案以及碳捕集与封存。 这些大规模投资将有助于重启欧盟经济,并实现绿色复苏,从而引领我们在2050年实现气候中和。

在2020-2030年期间,除了来自创新基金前身NER 300计划的未支付收入外,创新基金还将从欧盟排放交易体系下的拍卖配额中拨出约100亿欧元。




郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


EU to invest €1bn in clean technology projects

The European Commission recently launched the first call for proposals under the Innovation Fund, which will provide grant funding of €1 billion to large-scale projects for clean technologies to help them overcome the risks linked to commercialisation and large-scale demonstration.

This support will help new technologies to reach the market. For promising projects which are not yet ready for market, a separate budget of €8 million is set aside for project development assistance.

The Innovation Fund will finance breakthrough technologies for renewable energy, energy-intensive industries, energy storage, and carbon capture, use and storage. It will provide a boost to the green recovery by creating local future-proof jobs, paving the way to climate neutrality and reinforcing European technological leadership on a global scale.

Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “This call for proposals comes at just the right time. The EU will invest €1 billion in promising, market-ready projects such as clean hydrogen or other low-carbon solutions for energy-intensive industries like steel, cement and chemicals. We will also support energy storage, grid solutions, and carbon capture and storage. These large-scale investments will help restart the EU economy and create a green recovery that leads us to climate neutrality in 2050.”

For the period 2020-2030, the Innovation Fund will allocate around €10 billion from the auctioning of allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System, in addition to undisbursed revenues from the Innovation Fund's predecessor, the NER 300 programme.

The call is open for projects in eligible sectors from all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. The funds can be used in cooperation with other public funding initiatives, such as State aid or other EU funding programmes.

Projects will be evaluated according to their potential to avoid greenhouse gas emission, innovation potential, financial and technical maturity, and potential for scaling up and cost efficiency. The deadline for submission of applications is October 29, 2020. Projects can apply via the EU Funding and Tenders portal where more details on the overall procedure are available.

The Innovation Fund aims to create the right financial incentives for companies and public authorities to invest now in the next generation of low-carbon technologies and give EU companies a first-mover advantage to become global technology leaders.

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标签:欧盟 清洁技术项目
