随着油价升至每桶40美元以上,Cenovus Energy Inc.、Husky Energy Inc.和Baytex Energy Corp.等公司恢复了停产产量。加拿大帝国石油公司 ( Imperial Oil Ltd )首席执行官科尔森(Brad Corson)表示,预计在第二季度大部分维护工作结束后,上游生产将完全恢复。ARC能源公司周二表示已恢复产量。
Cenovus首席执行官Alex Pourbaix在道明证券网络直播会议上表示:"我们看到了恢复生产的强烈价格信号。看到我们的生产恢复到满负荷生产状态,没有人会感到惊讶。就目前的水平而言,我们的现金流为正值。”
王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社
Oil-Sands Explorers Restore Some 20% of Shut-in Crude Production
At least 20% of shut-in Canadian production is being restored, just months after the price crash forced producers in Alberta’s oil sands to slash up to 1 million barrels a day of output.
Cenovus Energy Inc., Husky Energy Inc. and Baytex Energy Corp. are among companies that have resumed shut-in production as prices rise above $40 a barrel. Imperial Oil Ltd., operator of the Kearl oil sands mine and Cold Lake wells, also expects to return to full upstream production after most maintenance is wrapped up in the second quarter, Chief Executive Officer Brad Corson said. ARC Resources Ltd. on Tuesday said it had restored output.
“We’re seeing a strong price signal to bring production back,” Cenovus CEO Alex Pourbaix said on a TD Securities conference webcast. “Nobody should be surprised to see our production moving back to full production capacity. We are significantly cash-flow positive at the levels we’re at now.”
Long exposed to steep price discounts for crude that must travel thousands of miles amid limited pipeline access, oil-sands companies were quick to slash production when the pandemic obliterated energy demand. Alberta’s oil output fell by almost 25%, according to provincial estimates.