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作者: 2020年07月14日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据油气新闻网站7月8日消息 印尼和国际能源机构(IEA)宣布在印尼启动一个新的电力和可再生能源联合项目。

据油气新闻网站7月8日消息 印尼和国际能源机构(IEA)宣布在印尼启动一个新的电力和可再生能源联合项目。

由印尼能源和矿产资源部长Arifin Tasrif和IEA执行董事Fatih Birol博士发起,该项目的重点是优化新旗舰计划的设计和实施,以鼓励私人投资可再生能源,以及加强可再生能源整合和电力系统运营的战略。这项工作将与印尼国家电力公司PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara合作进行。


Tasrif 表示:“国际能源机构展现了非凡的领导才能,使国际社会团结一致,努力应对对能源相关问题的影响,并为可持续复苏开辟道路。在这个充满挑战的时期,我很高兴地注意到国际能源署大力支持该部在电力系统增强和可再生能源投资方面的重点工作。”


Birol博士说:“作为世界第四人口大国,印尼对全球能源至关重要,也是IEA大家庭中一个极其重要的成员。我们非常高兴能与Tasrif 部长及其团队一道努力,支持印尼雄心勃勃的清洁能源转型。我期待着在国际能源机构峰会上欢迎他,并听取他分享印尼经验的见解,以及对最佳前进道路的看法。”


王磊 摘译自 油气新闻


IEA launches green energy JV in Indonesia

Indonesia and the International Energy Agency have announced the launch of a new joint project on electricity and renewable energy in Indonesia.

Launched by Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif and IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol, the project will focus on optimising the design and implementation of a new flagship scheme to encourage private investment in renewable power sources as well as strategies to enhance renewables integration and power system operation. The work will be carried out in partnership with the Indonesian national power utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN Persero).

The launch of this project comes ahead of the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit on 9 July, which will bring together around 40 Ministers and high-level figures from countries representing about 80% of global energy demand.

"The IEA has shown monumental leadership to bring the international community together in an effort to tackle the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on energy-related issues and to set out a path for sustainable recovery. During these challenging times, I am pleased to note that the IEA is strongly in support of the Ministry’s key priorities on power system enhancement and renewables investment," Minister Tasrif said.

The Indonesian government has sought to tackle the immediate health and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic through a variety of fiscal stimulus and policy measures. Although the energy sector has been severely impacted by the crisis, energy has also been an important part of the government’s response. This has included the provision of free or discounted electricity to 33 million of the most vulnerable families in the country.

The energy sector – a key driver of economic growth and dynamism – has a critical role to play in supporting recovery from the Covid-19. Indeed, reflecting this, the Indonesian government has ambitious plans to significantly scale up investments in renewable energy and to enhance the operation of its electricity sector.

"As the world’s fourth most populous country, Indonesia is critical to global energy and an incredibly important member of the IEA Family," Dr Birol said. "We are very happy to be working with Minister Tasrif and his team on this high-profile effort to support Indonesia’s ambitious clean energy transition. I look forward to welcoming him at the IEA Summit and hearing him share insights from Indonesia’s experience – and views on the best path forward."

The collaboration on electricity and renewables is complemented by cooperation and engagement between the Indonesian Government, PLN and the IEA on a range of energy policy priorities, including electric vehicle regulation, electricity system investment, and ways to reduce energy imports.

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标签:电力 可再生能源
