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受疫情影响 挪威近海新钻井量减少约40%

作者: 2020年07月22日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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NPD勘探总监Torgeir Stordal称,我们希望这些油井能尽快钻探,并且最迟不迟于2021年钻探。


此外,NPD表示,18个正在进行的NCS开发项目中,有几个可能会因为与疫情有关的限制而被推迟,但预计新项目将在今年晚些时候获得批准。其中包括Equinor的Breidablikk和Aker BP的Graasel石油发现的开发。

郝芬 译自 OE网站


COVID-19 Cuts New Drilling Offshore Norway Around 40%

Oil firms are expected to drill about 40% fewer exploration wells off Norway in 2020 than originally planned because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry regulator said on Friday.

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) also said development projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf could be delayed because of restrictions related to the pandemic, such as the use of foreign labor.

At the start of the year, the directorate had expected around 50 wells to be drilled in 2020, compared with the 58 in 2019.

In a statement on Friday, it said as many as 12 exploration wells had been postponed in connection with COVID-19.

"We expect these wells to be drilled as soon as possible, and no later than during 2021," Torgeir Stordal, director of exploration at the NPD, said.

"It also seems that five other wells could be postponed; this is a type of postponement that we always account for in our forecasts," he said.

In addition, the NPD said several of the 18 ongoing development projects on the NCS could be delayed as a result of restrictions linked to COVID-19, but it expected new projects would be approved later this year.

They include the development of Equinor's Breidablikk and Aker BP's Graasel oil discoveries.

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标签:挪威近海 勘探井
