据道琼斯7月18日消息,Panmure Gordon分析师Colin Smith称,预计英国石油公司(BP)将把第二季度股息削减近三分之二。Smith称:“考虑到BP的杠杆情况,壳牌削减股息的消息,长期现金创造预期减弱,加之BP致力于能源转型之际,其未来状况、利润和现金流可能存在不确定性,削减股息可能性存在。”Panmure Gordon预计BP第二季度股息将从之前的10.5美分削减至4美分。
张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
BP Expected to Cut Dividend
BP PLC is expected to cut its dividend in its second quarter earnings by almost two-thirds, says analyst Colin Smith at Panmure Gordon. Mr. Smith says a cut is likely, "given the leverage position, the cover provided by Shell's dividend cut, a likely lowered view of longer term cash generation, and probable uncertainty over the future profile and earnings and cash flow as BP commits to the energy transition." Panmure Gordon expects a quarterly dividend of 4 cents, down from 10.5 cents.