程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻
CCED delivers 100 mln barrels from blocks in Oman
CC Energy Development (CCED) have marked their 100 millionth barrel milestone from blocks 3 & 4 in Oman.
The energy company has organically grown production to exceed 45,000 bbl/day. The milestone achievement comes after more than a decade of consistent growth to build sustainable output for Oman and its people.
Since acquiring Blocks 3 and 4 in 2007, CCED and its partners – Tethys Oil and Mitsui E&P Middle East - have built a valuable oil production operation from the large concession. Despite the economic restraints of production restrictions, the energy producer has remained buoyant, setting an exemplary standard of safety while embracing technology and innovation for business continuity during the global COVID-19 pandemic.