据能源世界网7月22日新德里报道,印度电力和新能源及可再生能源部长辛格(R K Singh)周二表示,到2030年,印度已安装的发电量将有约60%来自清洁能源。该部长还对2030年可再生能源的装机发电量将达到510吉瓦,其中包括60吉瓦的水力发电充满信心。
去年9月,在联合国气候行动峰会上,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)宣布,将可再生能源的目标从2022年的175吉瓦提高到2030年的450吉瓦。
郝芬 译自 能源世界网
Clean energy capacity: India to have 60 per cent renewable energy by 2030, says power minister
India will have around 60 percent of its installed electricity generation capacity from clean sources by 2030, Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh said on Tuesday. The minister also exuded confidence that the renewable energy capacity would touch 510 GW by 2030, including 60 GW of hydro power.
In September last year at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced increasing the renewable energy target to 450 GW by 2030 from 175 GW by 2022.
Participating in a webinar organised by The Energy Resource Institute (TERI), Singh said, "I would say that by 2030, 60 per cent of our capacity will be from renewables, and that is on a conservative scale."
The minister explained that by 2030, 450 GW of power generation capacity would come from renewables like solar and wind.
Besides 60 GW would come from hydro-electric power, he said.
About the progress on clean energy, he said that India's clean energy capacity including under development projects and hydro electric power is around 190 GW, which is more than the targetted 175 GW by 2022.
During the webinar, the minister launched a report, titled 'Renewable Power Pathways: Modelling the Integration of Wind and Solar in India by 2030'.