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作者: 2020年07月27日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据离岸工程网站7月22日消息 意大利工程和建筑公司易伊博姆(Saipem)在英国和法国正在开发的主要风电场获得三份总价值9000万欧元的合同,巩固了其在海上风电供应链中日益增长的地位。

据离岸工程网站7月22日消息 意大利工程和建筑公司易伊博姆(Saipem)在英国和法国正在开发的主要风电场获得三份总价值9000万欧元的合同,巩固了其在海上风电供应链中日益增长的地位。

在英格兰,伊博姆已与Equinor和SSE Renewables JV签订合同,为Dogger Bank海上风电项目的前两个阶段运输和安装两个海上HVDC(高压直流)平台:Dogger Bank A和Dogger Bank B。

两个平台的容量均为1.2吉瓦,由一个约2900吨的导管架和一个约8500吨的上部结构组成。Dogger Bank建成后将成为世界上最大的海上风电场,位于英格兰东北海岸130公里处。该项目是英国海上风电市场首次采用高压直流技术。

此外,伊博姆已授予Seaway 7的安装合同,该合同涉及最近批准的Seagreen海上风电场。该风电场是苏格兰和南方能源可再生能源公司(49%)和苏格兰东海岸道达尔公司(51%)之间的1075兆瓦联合项目。伊博姆的工作范围包括为同等数量的风力涡轮机安装114个基础。

在法国,伊博姆获得了一份运输和安装St. Brieuc海上风电场海上变电站导管架和上部结构的合同。


吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


Saipem Scores Offshore Wind Hat-Trick3

Italian engineering and construction company Saipem has firmed up its growing presence in the offshore wind supply chain by securing three contracts worth 90 million euros in total at major wind farms being developed in the UK and France.

In England, Saipem has been contracted by Equinor and SSE Renewables JV to transport and install two offshore HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) platforms for the first two phases of the Dogger Bank offshore wind project: Dogger Bank A and Dogger Bank B.

Both platforms will have a capacity of 1.2 GW and will consist of a ca. 2,900-ton jacket and a ca. 8,500-ton topside. Dogger Bank will be the world’s biggest offshore wind farm when completed and is located over 130km off the North East coast of England. The project is the first to use HVDC technology in the UK’s offshore wind market.

Furthermore, Saipem has awarded an installation contract by Seaway 7 related to the recently sanctioned Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm. The wind farm is a 1,075MW joint project between SSE Renewables (49%) and Total (51%) off the East coast of Scotland. Saipem's scope of work entails the installation of 114 foundations for an equivalent number of wind turbines.

In France, Saipem has been awarded a contract for the transportation and installation of the jacket and topside of the offshore substation at St-Brieuc offshore wind farm.

These offshore installation projects will be carried out by the crane vessel Saipem 7000, Saipem said.

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标签:伊博姆 风电场 海上风电
