据7月27日Business Times Online报道,马拉西亚常青石油及天然气公司(RH Petrogas)表示,预计今年第二季度亏损将高于去年同期水平。
RH Petrogas表示,石油市场在本季度经历了前所未有的波动,布伦特原油价格在4月底跌至21年低点,约为每桶9美元,随后在接近收盘时回升至每桶43美元左右。
王佳晶 摘译自 Business Times Online
【编注】马来西亚常青集团(RH Group 即 Rimbunan Hijau Group)创立于1975年5月,起步于木材制造业。自1988年,常青集团业务拓展到媒体、科技制造业、房地产开发、贸易旅游、石油与天然气和矿业等众多领域。
RH Petrogas warns of Q2, H1 loss on 'significantly lower' realised oil prices
RH Petrogas on Sunday said it expects to record a higher loss for the second quarter ended June 30, 2020, compared with the loss reported a year ago.
The independent upstream oil and gas company also expects to record a loss for the first half of 2020, compared with a profit for the corresponding half-year period in 2019. The profit guidance follows a preliminary review of the unaudited consolidated financial results of the group for Q2 and H1 2020.
The expected Q2 loss is mainly due to lower revenue recognised by the group as a result of "significantly lower" realised oil prices which averaged around US$28 per barrel for the quarter, down about 59 per cent from US$69 per barrel a year ago.
The oil markets experienced unprecedented volatility during the quarter, with Brent crude oil prices "crashing to a 21-year low" of about US$9 per barrel in late April before recovering to around $43 per barrel towards late Jane, RH Petrogas said.
That said, the group expects to generate positive earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, exploration expenses, impairment and other non-recurring items, as well as positive net cash flow from operations for H1 2020.
标签:RH Petrogas