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作者: 2020年07月30日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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该项目的范围包括建造、拥有和经营一座1250兆瓦液化天然气燃料火电厂和缅甸最大容量的陆上液化天然气接收、储存和再气化设施。该协议还包括一项长期购电协议,在商业运营开始后25年内将发电出售给电力企业(EPGE), EPGE是该国能源部下属的一家国有企业。该项目还包括液化天然气的采购、运输、储存和再气化。现在已收到NTP,丸红与住友、三井和伊甸集团将继续进行项目的开发,首先进行详细的可行性研究,然后进行融资,并建设发电厂和相关设施。



曹海斌 摘译自 天然气资讯

LNG to power project in Myanmar approved

Marubeni Corporation, with Sumitomo Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Ltd and Eden Group Co,. Ltd, has received a Notice To Proceed (NTP, granting exclusive rights of project development) from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of Myanmar (MOEE) for an LNG to Power Project in Thilawa, Myanmar.

The scope of this Project includes the building, owning and operation of a 1250 MW LNG fuelled thermal power plant and onshore LNG receiving, storage and regasification facility of the largest capacity in Myanmar. It also includes a long-term power purchase agreement for the sale of generated power to the Electric Power Generation Enterprise (EPGE), a stated-owned enterprise under MOEE, over a 25-year term after commercial operation commences. The Project further includes the procurement, shipping, storage and regasification of LNG. Now that the NTP has been received, Marubeni with Sumitomo, Mitsui and Eden Group will proceed with the development of the Project by firstly carrying out the detailed feasibility study followed by procuring financing, and constructing the power plant and associated facilities.

In Myanmar, rapid economic growth has caused expectations to rise for overseas IPP developers to supply power to meet the increasing demand for electricity. Demand for electricity is especially high in the Thilawa region, which has a Special Economic Zone where Marubeni also invests. Marubeni, Sumitomo, Mitsui and Eden Group will continue to contribute to further economic development in Myanmar by supplying safe and stable power through the Project.

In the power market, Marubeni has expanded its power generation assets to over 12 GW (net) in 19 countries, including Japan. Marubeni is committed to contributing to the development of infrastructure in Asian countries by utilising its extensive experience and knowledge. Also, Marubeni will continue to develop LNG-to-Power projects, such as this Project, which include the energy chain of LNG procurement, shipping, storage and regasification to the production of electricity.

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标签:液化天然气发电 缅甸
