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作者: 2020年07月30日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据道琼斯7月29日消息,IHS Markit公司表示,加拿大油砂项目的石油产量今年可能会减少17.5万桶/天,这将是有史以来最大的年度降幅。因为油价暴跌,加拿大生产商今年大幅减产,但此后开始恢复部分生产。恢复生产的趋势

据道琼斯7月29日消息,IHS Markit公司表示,加拿大油砂项目的石油产量今年可能会减少17.5万桶/天,这将是有史以来最大的年度降幅。因为油价暴跌,加拿大生产商今年大幅减产,但此后开始恢复部分生产。恢复生产的趋势将持续到2020年底,尽管不足以弥补春季的损失。IHS估计,今年的减产将是暂时的,未来十年产量将继续增加,到2030年,油砂项目的石油产量将达到约380万桶/天,比2020年高出110万桶/天。

张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯


Canadian Oil Production To Decline Most Ever This Year

Oil production from Canada's oil sands could fall by 175,000 barrels per day this year, the largest annual decline ever, says IHS Markit. Canadian producers slashed production this year as oil prices plunged, but have since started to bring some back online. That trend will continue for the rest of 2020, although not enough to make up for what was lost during the spring. IHS estimates that this year's cuts will be temporary, and production will continue to rise for the rest of the decade to roughly 3.8M barrels per day by 2030, 1.1M barrels a day higher than 2020.

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标签:加拿大 石油
