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作者: 2020年07月30日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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总部设在沙迦的废物管理和可再生能源公司Bee’ah 7月27日在一份声明中表示,一旦垃圾填埋场封顶,该公司将把面积达47公顷的垃圾填埋场改造成太阳能发电设施。这个项目完工后,每年将产生超过42兆瓦的电力,这些电力将来自垃圾填埋场的垃圾和太阳能。





李峻 编译自 天然气新闻


UAE to build Gulf's first waste-to-solar project amid clean energy push

The UAE's emirate of Sharjah, the third biggest in the seven-member federation, plans to build the Gulf's first waste-to-solar energy facility amid a push to produce at least 44% of the country's power from clean energy by 2050.

Sharjah-based Bee'ah, a waste management and renewable energy company, will transform 47 ha of a landfill area into a solar energy facility once the landfill is capped, it said July 27 in a statement. The project will generate more than 42 MW of power a year from waste in a landfill and from the sun once it is complete.

Emirates Waste to Energy Co., a joint venture between Bee'ah and Abu Dhabi clean energy company Masdar, will launch the project in 2021 in two phases. The Sharjah Waste to Energy Facility will transform the landfill into a solar energy farm after reaching its zero-waste target.

The first phase includes converting 270,565 sq m of the landfill into a 24 MW solar farm and in phase two an additional 200,099 sq m will create 16 MW in solar power.

The Sharjah Waste to Energy Facility has an annual capacity of processing 300,000 mt of non-recyclable waste.

The UAE, which currently relies mostly on natural gas for power and water generation, is adding renewables and nuclear power to its energy mix as it frees up gas for consumption in industries and other sectors.

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