据路透社7月29日东京报道,东京燃气有限公司周三表示,将斥资690亿日元(约合6.57亿美元)收购美国页岩气运营商Castleton Resources的控制权,并收购一项美国太阳能开发项目,以扩大其海外业务。
东京燃气高级总经理Koji Yoshizaki表示,这家日本公司将投资约200亿日元,通过购买美国运营商发行的新股,将其在Castleton的股份从46%提高到70%,为计划收购路易斯安那州更多天然气资产提供资金。
“由于美国页岩气价格大幅下跌,我们认为现在是以相对便宜的价格购买天然气资产股权的好时机,” Yoshizaki在新闻发布会上说。
东京燃气还将支付高达490亿日元,从美国可再生能源开发商Hecate Energy手中购买位于德克萨斯州的630兆瓦Aktina太阳能发电项目。
沈韩晔 摘译自 路透社
Tokyo Gas to spend $657 mln in U.S. shale, solar assets
Tokyo Gas Co Ltd will spend 69 billion yen ($657 million) to take control of a U.S. shale gas operator, Castleton Resources, and to buy a U.S. solar power development project in a bid to expand its overseas operations, it said on Wednesday.
The move reflects a long-term strategy mapped out by Japan's biggest city gas supplier last year, which includes stepping up overseas expansion and boosting stakes in renewable energy and liquefied natural gas (LNG) development operations.
The Japanese company will invest about 20 billion yen to raise its stake in Castleton to 70 per cent from 46 per cent through buying new shares to be issued by the U.S. operator to finance the planned acquisition of additional gas assets in Louisiana, Koji Yoshizaki, senior general manager of Tokyo Gas, said.
"As U.S. shale gas prices have fallen sharply, we think it is a good time to buy stake in gas assets at a relatively cheap price," Yoshizaki told a news conference.
The deal, which marks Tokyo Gas' first purchase of a U.S. shale gas operator, will be completed on Aug. 14.
The acquisition of the additional gas assets will boost Castleton's output to 473 million cubic feet a day from 296 million cubic feet now.
Tokyo Gas will also pay up to 49 billion yen to purchase the 630 megawatts Aktina solar power project in Texas from Hecate Energy, a U.S. renewable energy developer.
Construction of Aktina will start in Q3, 2020 and will be brought online in blocks starting in mid-2021.
The acquisition, to be completed on August 6, will increase Tokyo Gas' renewable energy assets to 1.2 gigawatts (GW), a step closer to its 2030 goal of 5 GW.