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作者: 2020年08月03日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界能源新闻2020年7月30日休斯敦报道, 美国最大的独立供电商爱依斯电力公司(AES)7月30日估计,2021年至2025年,全球将有多达6130亿美元投资于新的太阳能发电。

据世界能源新闻2020年7月30日休斯敦报道, 美国最大的独立供电商爱依斯电力公司(AES)7月30日估计,2021年至2025年,全球将有多达6130亿美元投资于新的太阳能发电。




7月30日,AES总裁兼首席执行官Andres Gluski在一份公司声明中表示:“与传统太阳能相比,使用5B技术的太阳能项目只需要三分之一的时间。”





李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


AES estimates $613 billion in global investments in solar generation between 2021-25

World Energy News

July 30, 2020

Houston — As much as $613 billion could be invested globally in new solar generation between 2021 and 2025, AES

Corporation estimated July 30.

The Arlington, Virginia-based company, which provides power in 14 countries, gave its estimate while announcing a

"strategic investment" in an Australian solar technology firm, 5B.

AES said that 5B, and the Sydney-based company's Maverick technology, will enable customers to "add solar resources at a

pace that is three times faster while providing up to two times more energy within the same footprint of traditional

solar facilities."

5B has described Maverick as "the world's first solar array that is pre-fabricated, low-cost and 100% portable."

"A [solar] project using 5B's technology can be built in a third of the time when compared with conventional solar," said

Andres Gluski, President and CEO of AES in a statement released July 30.

In 2017, AES acquired sPower, a US-based utility-scale solar developer. The $853 million acquisition gave AES an

additional 1,274 MW of utility-scale solar capacity, and a portfolio of 10 GW of projects in various stages of


AES followed that acquisition with a joint venture partnership with Siemens in 2018. The resulting new company called

Fluence has subsequently reported building or contracting for 2.1 GW of battery st orage capacity

AES is among the most active developers in the fast growing solar plus storage market.

In June, AES was selected by Hawaiian Electric Companies to develop and operate two new utility-scale solar-plus-storage

facilities on Oahu.

One project is a 19.5-MW solar PV facility with 35 MWh of storage attached, the other a 60-MW facility with a 240 MWh

battery energy storage system.

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