据ICIS网站7月30日消息 由于供应充足和国内价格较本月早些时候下降,异丙醇(IPA)出口价格下降。
王磊 摘译自 ICIS
US IPA export prices decline
Isopropanol (IPA) export prices declined on a combination of ample supply and lower domestic prices from earlier this month.
Export prices fell 13 cents/lb on the low end, and 27 cents/lb on the high end. Prices are assessed at 72-78 cents/lb ($1587-1720 /tonne) FOB US Gulf Export.
Export spot prices are usually sold at a discount to US domestic and spot prices, except in rare circumstances where supply in Latin America is constrained due to unplanned plant outages.
Export market prices may also move more slowly than domestic prices.
Although the IPA market is not oversupplied, it has lengthened considerably in the past several weeks. Several market participants have been surprised that demand has not increased due to the recent growth of coronavirus cases in the US.
Since March, even large buyers in the US were on some form of sales control. Most sales controls were removed entirely in the past several weeks.