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作者: 2020年08月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据CNN 8月3日东京报道 日本7- 11母公司将以210亿美元的价格从马拉松石油公司(MPC)手中收购SPEEDWAY连锁加油站。

据CNN 8月3日东京报道 日本7- 11母公司将以210亿美元的价格从马拉松石油公司(MPC)手中收购SPEEDWAY连锁加油站。

两家公司周日晚间在一份声明中宣布了这笔现金交易。这是自今年早些时候新型冠状病毒大爆发以来,世界上宣布的最大收购之一。日本零售巨头Seven & i Holdings (SVNDF)表示,这是该公司历史上规模最大的一次。该公司拥有7-11便利店和其他门店,包括连锁超市伊藤洋华堂、崇光百货和西武百货。

Seven & i是日本最大的连锁便利店运营商,在日本拥有2.1万家便利店。它还在美国和加拿大拥有近9800家门店。随着国内市场日益饱和,该公司一直在寻求向海外扩张。通过收购Speedway,这家日本零售商将增加4000家门店,并促进其在北美的业务。


朱寅 摘译自 CNN


7-Eleven owner buys Speedway gas stations for $21 billion

The Japanese owner of 7-Eleven is buying the Speedway chain of gas stations from Marathon Petroleum (MPC) for $21 billion.

The two firms announced the cash deal in a statement late Sunday. It's one of the biggest acquisitions in the world to be announced since the coronavirus pandemic hit earlier this year. Japanese retail giant Seven & i Holdings (SVNDF) — which owns 7-Eleven and other outlets, including supermarket chain Ito-Yokado and the Sogo and Seibu department stores — says it is the largest in the company's history.

Seven & i is the largest convenience store chain operator in Japan, with 21,000 stores there. It also owns nearly 9,800 stores in the United States and Canada. The company has been looking to expand overseas as its home market grows increasingly saturated. By acquiring Speedway, the Japanese retailer would pick up 4,000 stores and give its operations in North America a boost.

With this deal, 7-Eleven would have a presence in 47 of the top 50 most populated metro areas in the United States, the company noted in a press release.

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