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NEO Energy收购了道达尔在英国北海的资产

作者: 2020年08月06日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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总部位于挪威的私人股本公司HitecVision-backed NEO Energy,完成了从英国道达尔石油公司(Total Oil UK)和英国北海道达尔勘探开发公司(Total E&P UK North Sea)手中收购英国北海资产的交易。

总部位于挪威的私人股本公司HitecVision-backed NEO Energy,完成了从英国道达尔石油公司(Total Oil UK)和英国北海道达尔勘探开发公司(Total E&P UK North Sea)手中收购英国北海资产的交易。



它为Neo Energy的投资组合增加了大约23000桶石油当量(boepd)和5100万桶石油储量(MMboe)。

NEO Energy首席运营官兼临时首席执行官Paul Harris表示:“此次交易的迅速完成是NEO Energy建立下一代北海运营商的一个重要里程碑。我为我们的优质资产组合和60多名优秀的专业人士感到非常兴奋。


该交易还包括运营两个资产集群,即Quad 15和Flyndre地区,以及一个拥有80多名经验丰富的员工和承包商的运营商组织。


今年5月,Neo Energy、HitecVision和Total重新谈判了交易的财务条款,以应对当时的环境。

赵斌 编译自 离岸工程


NEO Energy acquires Total’s UK North Sea fields

Norway-based private equity company HitecVision-backed NEO Energy has completed the acquisition of UK North Sea assets from Total Oil UK and Total E&P North Sea UK.

The acquisition included a portfolio of operated and non-operated assets.

The transaction comprises a material and cash generative portfolio of assets in four producing areas of the UK North Sea.

It adds production of approximately 23,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) and reserves of 51 million barrels (MMboe) to Neo Energy’s portfolio.

NEO Energy COO and Interim CEO Paul Harris said: “The expeditious completion of this transaction is a major milestone for NEO Energy as we build a next-generation North Sea operator. I am extremely excited by the quality of both the asset portfolio and the group of over 60 outstanding professionals we have assembled.

“We have quickly established NEO as a leading UKCS independent with a solid platform from which to continue to deliver our sustainable growth strategy. Underpinned by a meaningful production base and development opportunities, I look forward to embarking on this next chapter in NEO’s development.”

The transaction also included operatorship of two asset clusters namely, Quad 15 and Flyndre areas, and an operator organisation of over 80 experienced employees and contractors.

The deal was first announced in July last year. Petrogas, which was part of the original deal, is no longer a part of the transaction.

In May this year, Neo Energy, HitecVision and Total renegotiated the financial terms of the deal to respond to the environment at that time.

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标签:道达尔 英国北海资产
