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作者: 2020年08月07日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据路透社8月5日报道,美国页岩油生产商大陆资源公司(Continental Resources)周二表示,计划恢复大部分被削减的产量,并称油价需要进一步上涨,才能让整体行业活动大幅反弹。

据路透社8月5日报道,美国页岩油生产商大陆资源公司(Continental Resources)周二表示,计划恢复大部分被削减的产量,并称油价需要进一步上涨,才能让整体行业活动大幅反弹。

该公司创始人兼董事长哈罗德?哈姆(Harold Hamm)表示,供需正在重新平衡,但目前接近每桶40美元的价格不足以推动美国石油产量的长期增长。除非油价达到每桶50 - 60美元,否则美国的产量增长将保持温和状态。今年春季,油价和燃料需求大幅下滑时,该公司关闭了70%的石油生产。

该公司表示,每口井恢复生产的成本约为1500美元,重新开工的油井的产量是之前的两倍。该公司是北达科他州巴肯页岩区的主要石油生产商,其相信,运力达57万桶/天的Dakota Access输油管道将会被关闭,而其受到的影响微乎其微。




王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


Continental to resume some U.S. shale output but sees sector lackluster unless oil prices rise

U.S. shale oil producer Continental Resources (CLR.N) on Tuesday said it plans to resume most curtailed production, adding prices need to rise further for a significant rebound in overall industry activity.

Supply and demand are rebalancing, but current prices near $40 a barrel are not enough for long-term growth in U.S. output, founder and Chairman Harold Hamm said.

The company, which shut 70% of its oil production in the spring when prices and fuel demand collapsed, said U.S. production growth will stay moderate unless oil reaches $50 to $60 a barrel.

Continental said its cost are running about $1,500 per well to resume production, and reopened wells showed double their earlier flow rates.

The company, a major producer in the Bakken shale of North Dakota, said it was confident that a court decision to shut and drain the 570,000 barrel per day Dakota Access Pipeline would be stayed. It would see minimal impact on its production if the oil pipeline were closed, executives said.

Continental directly ships about 35,000 to 50,000 barrels of oil per day on the line, a major transportation artery out of the North Dakota oil fields.

Continental also said 97% of its workforce had returned to their offices and work sites. It was among the first to bring employees back following COVID-19 related office closings.

In a video town hall to employees in late April, CEO William Berry and Chairman Hamm laid out plans for returning staff to work, including free testing for employees and family members.

Shares were down 2.7% on Tuesday afternoon at $17.17.

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标签:大陆资源公司 石油
