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作者: 2020年09月01日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界石油2020年8月27日休斯敦报道,斯伦贝谢新能源公司(Schlumberger New Energy)与热能合作伙伴公司(TEP)日前达成了一项协议,根据协议,两家公司将组建一家地热项目开发公司STEP 能源公司。STEP 能源公司将利用

据世界石油2020年8月27日休斯敦报道,斯伦贝谢新能源公司(Schlumberger New Energy)与热能合作伙伴公司(TEP)日前达成了一项协议,根据协议,两家公司将组建一家地热项目开发公司STEP 能源公司。STEP 能源公司将利用其合作伙伴的专业知识开发高效、有利可图的地热发电项目,为支持可靠的清洁能源供应提供机会。



TEP总裁丹·普费弗说:“STEP 能源公司将创造一个独特的机会,来降低地热发电项目的风险,优化开发,降低成本,压缩日程。这将释放全球地热发电的全部潜力。”

李峻 编译自 世界石油


Schlumberger New Energy and Thermal Energy Partners form geothermal development company STEP Energy

Schlumberger New Energy, a new Schlumberger business, and Thermal Energy Partners (TEP) have entered into an agreement to create STEP Energy, a geothermal project development company. STEP Energy will leverage its partners’ expertise to develop efficient and profitable geothermal power generation projects, providing an opportunity to support a reliable supply of clean energy.

“Through GeothermEx, a Schlumberger company, we have acquired extensive knowledge of geothermal resource assessment and project design implementation,” said Ashok Belani, executive vice president, Schlumberger New Energy. “By combining our geothermal, subsurface and drilling expertise with TEP’s experience in project development and risk mitigation, we will develop de-risked and streamlined geothermal projects on a global scale.”

“We are thrilled with this partnership. STEP Energy will focus on quickly reaching our first milestone of 100 MW of geothermal capacity. The combined experience and expertise in drilling, reservoir identification and assessment and project execution provide an unequalled opportunity for the success of the new company,” said Bruce Cutright, chief executive officer, TEP.

“STEP Energy will create a unique opportunity to de-risk and optimize the development of geothermal power projects, reduce costs and compress schedules. This will unlock the full potential of geothermal power generation globally,” said Dan Pfeffer, president, TEP.

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标签:斯伦贝谢 地热项目
