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作者: 2020年09月01日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据石油新闻2020年8月27日伦敦报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor 27日在奥斯陆表示,在经历了一次令人失望的地震勘探战役以后,Equinor决定放弃其在南非近海的大面积勘探探区,转而专注于更具吸引力的上游资产。

据石油新闻2020年8月27日伦敦报道,挪威能源巨头Equinor 27日在奥斯陆表示,在经历了一次令人失望的地震勘探战役以后,Equinor决定放弃其在南非近海的大面积勘探探区,转而专注于更具吸引力的上游资产。

在收购了埃克森美孚公司领导的南非Tugela South区块的35%股份以后,前身是挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)的Equinor在2015年进入了南非。目前,Equinor在南非东海岸以外海域拥有4份深水勘探许可证,其中3份是与埃克森美孚公司合作。





李峻 编译自 石油新闻


Equinor to drop South African exploration portfolio after poor seismic results

Norway's Equinor has decided to drop its extensive exploration acreage offshore South Africa to focus on more attractive upstream assets following a disappointing seismic campaign, the company said Aug. 27.

Equinor, formerly Statoil, entered South Africa in 2015 after buying a 35% stake in the Tugela South block led by ExxonMobil. It currently has four deepwater exploration licenses off the country's eastern coast, three of which are partnered with Exxon.

Separately, Exxon was not immediately available to comment on a report that it has also decided to leave the South Africa upstream acreage.

"Following an assessment of acquired seismic data and with increased competition within our exploration portfolio, these opportunities do not rank well enough compared to other opportunities," an Equinor spokesman said.

Following regulatory approvals to exit the blocks, Equinor will no longer hold upstream licenses in the country, the spokesman said.

The move comes less than two years after Equinor last grew its South African exploration footprint with a 50% farm-in into Exxon's huge, 50,000 square km (19,305 square miles) Deepwater Durban exploration license.

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标签:地震勘探 南非近海 埃克森美孚
