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作者: 2020年09月01日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据8月28日Oil Monster消息:根据JSC Ukrtransgaz最新数据,截至2020年8月26日,乌克兰地下储气库(UGS)的天然气储量达到250.87亿立方米。

据8月28日Oil Monster消息:根据JSC Ukrtransgaz最新数据,截至2020年8月26日,乌克兰地下储气库(UGS)的天然气储量达到250.87亿立方米。







冯娟 摘译自 Oil Monster


Ukraine Raises Gas Reserves in UGS to 25 bcm

Natural gas reserves in the underground gas storage facilities (UGS) of Ukraine as of August 26, 2020 reached 25.087 billion cubic meters (bcm), according to recent data from JSC Ukrtransgaz.

The level of reserves is 24 billion cubic meters was overcome on August 17, some 23 billion cubic meters on August 8, and 22 billion cubic meters on July 29.

The average daily injection into storage facilities in Ukraine since August 1, thanks to the opening of a virtual reverse with Slovakia, is 112.2 million cubic meters.

Maintaining such rates of injection throughout the remaining days of the current month and September will allow increasing reserves in the UGS to 29 billion cubic meters, filling them by 93.5%.

In general, on August 1-26 UGS facilities were replenished by 2.917 billion cubic meters of gas.

According to the calculations of the Interfax-Ukraine agency, the current volume of reserves exceeds the figure for the same date in 2014-2019 by 1.4-2.1 times (by 7.2-12.9 billion cubic meters).

Since the end of the season of taking gas from storage facilities on March 26 to August 26, 2020, reserves in Ukrainian UGS facilities have increased by 58.9%, or by 9.303 billion cubic meters.

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标签:天然气 地下储气库 乌克兰
