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作者: 2020年09月02日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据Oil & Gas Journal网站8月31日消息 道达尔公司和合作伙伴已开钻了Luiperd-1X井,这是继2019年2月发现Brulpadda之后,南非近海11B/12B区块的第二口探井。

据Oil & Gas Journal网站8月31日消息 道达尔公司和合作伙伴已开钻了Luiperd-1X井,这是继2019年2月发现Brulpadda之后,南非近海11B/12B区块的第二口探井。

合作伙伴非洲能源公司8月28日表示,这口井正由Odfjell Deepsea Stavanger半潜式钻井平台在1795米的水下钻探,总深度达3550米。该井将测试白垩纪中期深海层序中的油气潜力,在该层序中,扇砂岩系统发育于地层-构造闭合带内。预计该井的钻探和评估工作将于2020年第四季度完成。

该区块位于距离南部海岸175公里的Outeniqua盆地,面积约19000平方公里,水深200-1800米。Paddavissie Fairway位于区块西南部,包括确认石油系统的Brulpadda发现。Luiperd油气藏是五个大型海底扇油气勘探系列中第二个钻探的勘探项目,利用二维和三维地震数据确定了直接油气指标。

道达尔勘探与生产南非公司为运营商(45%),合作伙伴有卡塔尔石油国际上游有限责任公司(25%)、CNR International(南非)有限公司(20%)和Main Street 1549 Proprietary(10%,其中非洲能源拥有49%的股份)。

王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Total spuds Luiperd-1 offshore South Africa

Total SA and partners have spudded Luiperd-1X, the second exploration well on Block 11B/12B offshore South Africa, following the Brulpadda discovery in February 2019.

The well is being drilled by the Odfjell Deepsea Stavanger semisubmersible rig in 1,795 m of water to a total depth of 3,550 m subsea, partner Africa Energy Corp. said Aug. 28. The well will test the oil and gas potential in a mid-Cretaceous aged deep marine sequence wheresystems are developed within combined stratigraphic-structural closure. Drilling and evaluation of the well is expected to be completed in fourth-quarter 2020.

The block, in Outeniqua basin 175 km off the southern coast, covers an area of some 19,000 sq km in water depths of 200-1,800 m. The Paddavissie Fairway is in the southwest area of the block and includes the Brulpadda discovery, which confirmed the petroleum system. The Luiperd prospect is the second to be drilled in a series of five large submarine fan prospects with direct hydrocarbon indicators defined utilizing 2D and 3D seismic data. (OGJ Online, Jul 7, 2020).

Total E&P South Africa BV is operator (45%) with partners Qatar Petroleum International Upstream LLC (25%), CNR International (South Africa) Ltd. (20%), and Main Street 1549 Proprietary Ltd. (10%, of which Africa Energy has a 49% stake).

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标签:道达尔 南非近海
