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作者: 2020年09月04日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据9月1日Offshore Energy报道,总部位于海牙的壳牌公司在德国基尔希姆乌特泰克(Kirchheim unter-techk)新建了一个液化天然气加注站,扩大了其液化天然气加气网络。

据9月1日Offshore Energy报道,总部位于海牙的壳牌公司在德国基尔希姆乌特泰克(Kirchheim unter-techk)新建了一个液化天然气加注站,扩大了其液化天然气加气网络。





王佳晶 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Shell opens its fifth LNG-fueling station in Germany

The Hague-based giant Shell has expanded its LNG fueling network in Germany with a new station in Kirchheim unter Teck.

The new facility, Shell’s fifth in Germany was opened on Monday, August 31. It is the first LNG-fueling station in Baden-Württemberg.

Shell also noted it is located on a major long-distance route from Munich via Stuttgart and Karlsruhe to France.

The facility has the capacity to fuel up to 150 trucks per day. It is part of Shell’s initiative to support the decarbonisation of heavy-duty traffic. It is also part of a Shell program to expand the German Shell LNG station network to up to 40 stations by the end of 2022.

Shell aims to build a complete supply chain for CO2-neutral LNG based on liquefied biomethane. The company is planning to build a 100,000-ton gas liquefaction plant in the Rhineland refinery.

The next LNG stations in Shell’s construction program are in Weinsberg, Kassel and Stuhr near Bremen, which are due to start in autumn. Further Shell LNG stations are planned for the winter, the company’s statement reads.

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标签:壳牌 德国 LNG加注站
