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作者: 2020年09月15日 来源:互联网 浏览量:
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据《亚洲润滑油周刊》9月11日消息,克莱恩咨询公司(Kline & Co.)在9月9日举行的一次网络研讨会上预测,新冠病毒疫情将使今年全球一般工业用油和润滑脂的需求减少13%。

据《亚洲润滑油周刊》9月11日消息,克莱恩咨询公司(Kline & Co.)在9月9日举行的一次网络研讨会上预测,新冠病毒疫情将使今年全球一般工业用油和润滑脂的需求减少13%。


克莱恩公司能源实践业务项目经理David Tsui在网络研讨会上表示,为遏制新冠病毒而实施的经济封锁措施已经扰乱了润滑油市场,而不同地区采取此类措施的时间错开又放大了这种影响。例如,中国首先被关闭,然后是欧洲。

张春晓 摘译自 亚洲润滑油周刊


Industrial Lubes Roughed up by Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic will reduce global demand volumes for general industrial oils and greases by 13% this year, consultancy Kline & Co. forecasted during a webinar Wednesday.

The firm estimates that demand for those products – hydraulic fluids, industrial gear oils, turbine and circulating oils, compressor and refrigeration oils, and greases – will grow at a compound annual rate of 3% from 2021 through 2024 but not return to the 2019 level within that time period.

Lubricant markets have been disrupted by economic lockdown measures imposed to contain the virus, and the impact was amplified by the staggered timing of such measures in different regions, David Tsui, a project manager in Kline’s energy practice, said during the online event. “For instance, China was shut down first, then followed by Europe. The way it spread out, it dragged out the overall shutdown.”

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标签:工业用油 润滑脂
