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作者: 2020年09月24日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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在7月底的第二季度财报电话会议上,Ben van Beurden首席执行官表示:“公司已经开始了一个重新设计和重组的计划,以更简单、更有效方式从我们的传统业务中抓住中心业务,创新未来的商业模式。除了重塑和重新设计资产组合,我们还将根据需要调整规模。”

两名参与成本削减评估的消息人士表示,壳牌正考虑通过削减运营成本和削减新油气勘探和生产项目的资本支出,将其目前最大部门——上游部门的成本削减30%至 40%。这家英荷合资的超大型石油公司将专注于美国墨西哥湾、北海和尼日利亚等几个关键地区,以精简其上游业务。



王佳晶 摘译自 今日油价


Shell May Cut Upstream Oil Operations By 40%

Oil and gas supermajor Shell is looking to slash as much as 40 percent of its upstream oil and gas operations as it is redesigning its business toward a greener portfolio, sources in Shell involved in the costs review told Reuters.

As early as in June, which capped one of the worst quarters for oil in recent decades, Shell was said to be planning to announce by the end of the year a significant restructuring to reflect its net-zero emissions goal for 2050 and to align itself with a green recovery from the pandemic.

On the Q2 earnings call at the end of July, chief executive Ben van Beurden said that the company had started a program “to redesign and restructure toward a fundamentally simpler, more effective organization that can deliver the very best from our traditional businesses, from our customer-centric businesses as well and rapidly and purposefully innovate for our future business models. You will hear more about all of this in time, but I can tell you now that besides reshaping and redesigning, we will also resize as appropriate.”

Shell is looking at ways to cut costs in its biggest division currently, the upstream, by 30 percent to 40 percent via cutting operating costs and slashing capital expenditure (capex) on new oil and gas exploration and production projects, two sources involved in the cost-cutting review told Reuters. The Anglo-Dutch supermajor will aim to streamline its upstream division by focusing on just a few hubs such as the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, and Nigeria, according to Reuters’ sources.

The gas division and the downstream are also looking at cuts, as Shell aims to save capital for boosting its renewables and power markets portfolios, the sources noted.

“We are looking at a range of options and scenarios at this time, which are being carefully evaluated,” a spokeswoman for Shell told Reuters, confirming that the group is undergoing a strategic review of the organization and its operations.

With the push toward a greener portfolio, Shell joins peers such as BP, which said in its new strategy last month that it would reduce its oil and gas production by 40 percent by 2030 through active portfolio management and would not enter exploration in new countries.

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标签:壳牌 上游石油业务 净零排放
