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作者: 2020年09月25日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据油价网9月21日报道,世界石油公司(World Oil)已经完成了2020年中期钻井和生产预测更新的编制。在钻井方面,如果这一预测成为现实,美国今年的总钻井数量将肯定是1940年前以来的最低水平。事实上,它可以追溯到比上

据油价网9月21日报道,世界石油公司(World Oil)已经完成了2020年中期钻井和生产预测更新的编制。在钻井方面,如果这一预测成为现实,美国今年的总钻井数量将肯定是1940年前以来的最低水平。事实上,它可以追溯到比上世纪30年代更早的时候。



经营者对低价和需求的反应。 更具体地说,世界石油公司(World Oil)收到了数十家生产商的调查回复,他们从今年第一季度的水平上削减了钻井量,而且大幅削减。许多公司表示,今年下半年的钻井数只有上半年的一半或不到一半。所以,假设一个运营商可能在上半年钻了100口井,而在下半年只钻了40口。或者,一家公司在上半年钻了65口井,而计划在下半年只钻20口。这些数字并不是任何一家公司的实际数字,但它们代表了我们接收到的数据类型。


区域的影响。毫不奇怪,美国多个页岩区感受到了钻探低谷期的最大影响,如石油活动一直占据主导地位的二叠纪、鹰福特(Eagle Ford)、Bakken和Niobrara。然而,尽管倾气性的Marcellus、Haynesville和Utica页岩(的确有石油成分)的钻探量出现了两位数的下降,但它们的倾油性区块的钻探量却没有下降。此外,在一些较小的州也有一些亮点,在这些州,传统的、垂直的、有时是浅层的石油开采活动更为普遍,实际上还会有小幅增长。

郝芬 译自 油价网


U.S. drilling total for 2020 will be lowest in more than 80 years

At World Oil, we have finished compiling the 2020 mid-year forecast update for drilling and production. On the drilling side, that if this forecast is realized, the U.S. total for the year will definitely be the lowest since before 1940. Indeed, it could go back considerably further than the 1930s.

But first, operators will have to drill at a pace lower than those of 1933 and 1931, when well totals of 12,170 and 11,716, respectively, were tallied. The fact that we are looking at a level potentially below these two years—below 11,000 wells—is quite historical, albeit remarkably negative. And consider the fact that just last year, we estimate that somewhat over 22,000 wells were drilled, and in 2018, the number is estimated at approximately 25,000. By the same token, it wasn’t but six years ago, in 2014, that the U.S. well total was 45,535. There has not been an annual total above 30,000 since then.

Trends behind the performance. This year’s trend toward a total that may be below 11,000 should come as no surprise to anyone, who has been following oil market trends since early February. In the seven months that have followed, the U.S. market has been hit by a record, quick, oil demand reduction prompted by the coronavirus pandemic; the Saudi-Russian dispute over production quotas that exacerbated the effect of the demand reduction; operators’ quick response to low prices that ensued, including shutting-in wells and reducing or halting drilling; and a slower-than-expected recovery from the pandemic in the U.S. economy.

Operator responses to low prices and demand. To be more specific about operator activity, World Oil has received dozens of survey responses from producers, which have cut back their drilling from first-quarter 2020 levels, not just substantially but actually quite drastically. A number of companies said that in the second half of the year, they are drilling half, or less than half, of the number of wells that they drilled in the first half. So, imagine that an operator might have drilled 100 wells in the first half and will only drill 40 in the second half. Or maybe a firm drilled 65 wells in the first half and plans only 20 in the second half. These figures are NOT any one company’s actual numbers, but they are representative of the types of data that we have been receiving.

Furthermore, one should remember that 2019 was not the greatest drilling year to begin with, and first-quarter drilling by most operators was roughly on a par with that year’s pace. But since then, drilling has gone off the cliff. There were substantial reductions during second-quarter 2020, including some companies that went on a drilling hiatus. These reductions have been carried through, into the third quarter, with a few that are even deeper than in the second quarter. We expect a mild pick-up in U.S. drilling during the fourth quarter, and our forecast has that expectation baked into it. So, if that pickup does not occur, then the final 2020 number will be even lower, accordingly.

Regional effects. To no one’s surprise, the greatest effects of the drilling trough are being felt in the various U.S. shale plays, such as the Permian, Eagle Ford, Bakken and Niobrara, where oil activity has been dominant. However, while they have experienced double-digit declines in drilling, the gas prone Marcellus, Haynesville and Utica (which does have an oil component) shales have not experienced reductions in the magnitude of the oil-prone plays. And there are a few bright spots in some of the more minor states, where traditional, vertical, sometimes-shallow oil activity is more prevalent and will actually have minor increases.

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标签:美国 钻井
