据Oil & Gas Journal网站9月21日消息 PGNiG上游挪威公司(PUN)已同意收购壳牌A/S Norske在Equinor运营的北海油田Kvitebj?rn和Valemon的权益。
王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal
PGNiG to acquire Shell unit interests in two North Sea fields
PGNiG Upstream Norway has agreed to acquire A/S Norske Shell’s interests in Equinor-operated North Sea fields Kvitebj?rn and Valemon.
Gas produced from the fields will be sent to Poland after the Baltic Pipe link is launched.
Following the transaction, PGNiG Upstream Norway (PUN) will hold all of Shell’s 6.45% interest in Kvitebj?rn field as well as its 3.225% interest in Valemon field. The company also will acquire a stake in the infrastructure used to transport hydrocarbons produced from the fields. According to PUN, the deal will increase in its average daily production of oil and gas by about 30%.
Target gas output in 2020 from the fields attributable to the interests acquired from Shell represents 70% of PUN’s current production volume in Norway, resulting in an immediate increase of the company’s gas production. In 2021 production is expected to be nearly 30% above the previous forecast, having grown by almost a half compared with PUN’s gas output in 2019. According PGNiG’s estimates, in 2023–2028 (after the Baltic Pipe launch), the two fields will deliver about 0.2 bcm of gas/year to the company.