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作者: 2020年09月25日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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以色列能源部长尤瓦尔·施泰尼茨说,“东地中海天然气论坛(East Mediterranean Gas Forum)到目前为止还只是一个讨论阶段,但实际上它正在成为一个真正的国际组织。”






李峻 编译自 世界石油


Mideast energy forum takes shape to promote gas exports

Six energy ministers will sign the charter of a new Middle East energy forum that will promote natural gas exports from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe and other markets, Israeli energy officials said.

“The East Mediterranean Gas Forum, which until now has been a stage for discussions only, is in fact becoming a real international organization,” said energy minister Yuval Steinitz.

Ministers from Egypt, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan and Italy will finalize the group’s charter in a virtual ceremony and work to create a “joint vision” for the region, according to a senior Israeli energy ministry official.

“The forum will help bring a welcome normalization of regional relations, one that will help promote and develop the gas sector in Israel, and of course natural gas exports from Israel to its neighbors, to Europe and other regions,” said the official.

Other countries, including France and the United States, may join the forum as well.

Large gas deposits have been discovered in Israeli, Egyptian and Cypriot waters in recent years. Israel has already begun exporting to Jordan and Egypt, which hopes to become a regional energy hub.

Egypt has two LNG plants that have been idled or running at less than their potential capacity and can be used for exports.

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