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作者: 2020年09月25日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据9月23日Rigzone报道,根据Rystad Energy对25家上市石油公司第二季度收益报告的分析,美国大部分陆上石油公司将在今年第三季度末恢复几乎全部停产的石油产量。

据9月23日Rigzone报道,根据Rystad Energy对25家上市石油公司第二季度收益报告的分析,美国大部分陆上石油公司将在今年第三季度末恢复几乎全部停产的石油产量。

Rystad Energy指出,纳入分析的石油公司的减产量在5月份达到峰值,净减少77.25万桶/天,6月份减产量降至68.03万桶/天。Rystad Energy数据显示,7月原油日净产量仍减少约30.65万桶,8月原油日净产量降至7.43万桶,9月份几乎所有暂停的原油生产都将恢复。

Rystad Energy强调,这些石油公司监测到的减产主要是在4月和5月实施的,完全是出于经济和技术方面的考虑,营商关闭了利润较低的油井,同时减少了对其他油井的回流。到了5月下半月,油价回升,加上整体市场前景转好,促使许多生产商重新评估停产计划。

Rystad Energy负责北美页岩和上游板块的副总裁Veronika Akulinitseva表示:“在停产和减产之后,没有任何运营商报告过产量损失,大多数公司都表示运营恢复顺利,在某些情况下,这些恢复活动对生产产生了积极影响。”

Rystad Energy分析的25家样本公司包括以下几个油气企业:康菲石油公司、埃克森美孚公司、雪佛龙公司、西方石油公司、康乔资源公司、阿帕奇公司、大陆资源公司和EOG资源公司。

王佳晶 摘译自 Rigzone


Shut In Oil Production Is Coming Back

Most U.S. onshore operators will restore nearly all shut in oil volumes by the end of the third quarter of this year, according to a Rystad Energy analysis of 25 public oil operators’ second quarter earnings statements.

Curtailments from the sample group peaked in May with a net 772,500 barrels per day (bpd) taken off the market before decreasing to a net 680,300 bpd in June, Rystad Energy outlined. In July, around 306,500 bpd in net volumes remained curtailed, according to Rystad Energy, which noted that this number is expected to fall to a net 74,300 bpd in August and that “nearly all” production is set to be reactivated by September.

Rystad Energy highlighted that the cuts monitored in the sample group were implemented mostly in April and May and were entirely driven by economic and technical considerations, with operators shutting in lower margin wells while reducing flowback on others. The company said a recovery in oil prices in the second half of May and a stronger overall market outlook prompted many producers to re-evaluate their shut-in plans.

“No loss of production has been reported by any operator following the shut-ins and moderation of output, with most companies flagging a smooth return of operations, and in some cases posting a positive production impact from those reactivations,” Rystad Energy Vice President for North American Shale and Upstream, Veronika Akulinitseva, said in a company statement sent to Rigzone.

Rystad Energy’s sample group of 25 companies included the following oil and gas businesses; ConocoPhillips Corporation, ExxonMobil Corporation, Chevron Corporation, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Concho Resources Inc, Apache Corporation, Continental Resources Inc and EOG Resources Inc.

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