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作者: 2020年09月28日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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这家生物燃料生产厂正在进行一项突破性的研究,将利用废物生产生物原油。根据最初的两年半协议,森纳士将每年向北方炼油厂供应0.3 PJ的天然气,并在随后的5年时间内,以每年0.35 PJ的天然气量进行供应,从而使合同总供应量达到2.5 PJ。


这项天然气销售协议增增加了我们现有的昆士兰国内客户,包括CSR、Orora、Visy Glass和昆士兰CleanCo,加强了森纳士作为东海岸市场天然气供应商的重要性。戴维斯先生说:“森纳士致力于长期投资,以释放开发和勘探的机会,并与我们的客户合作,为国内市场提供负担得起和可持续的天然气供应。与北方炼油厂一样,客户对供应商的承诺也至关重要,以支持对上游天然气开发的持续投资。”

曹海斌 摘译自 烃加工新闻


Senex Energy announces gas supply deal with Queensland refinery

Senex Energy Ltd. announced a domestic gas sales agreement (GSA) for up to 2.5 petajoules (PJ) of natural gas with Southern Oil Refining’s Northern Oil Refinery near Gladstone. Northern Oil Refinery will use Atlas natural gas in its oil refining and advanced biofuels production plants at Yarwun, near Gladstone. These plants represent a world-class approach to management of used oils and are aimed at eliminating waste.

The biofuels production plant is undertaking ground-breaking research in the application of waste materials to produce bio-crude oil. Under the initial two and a half year agreement, Senex will supply Northern Oil Refinery with 0.3 PJ of gas a year with a mechanism to extend the supply of gas for a further five years at 0.35 PJ a year, taking the total contract quantity to 2.5 PJ.

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Ian Davies said the gas sales agreement with Northern Oil Refinery follows the announcement of Senex’s planned 50% increase in Atlas natural gas production. “Senex is pleased to be supporting 30 jobs directly and hundreds of jobs indirectly by providing natural gas to our new customer, Northern Oil Refinery and their Gladstone oil recycling plant.

This gas sales agreement adds to our existing portfolio of domestic customers with a Queensland presence including CSR, Orora, Visy Glass and CleanCo Queensland, reinforcing Senex’s importance as a supplier of natural gas to the east coast market. “Senex is committed to investing for the long-term to unlock both development-ready and exploration opportunities and working with our customers to deliver affordable and sustainable gas supply to the domestic market. “It is also critical that customers commit to suppliers, just as Northern Oil Refinery has done, so as to support ongoing investment in upstream gas development,” Mr Davies said.

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