据道琼斯10月3日消息,总部位于南非的石化和能源公司沙索表示,将把该公司在路易斯安那州Lccp Base Chemicals Business中的50%权益以20亿美元出售给利安德巴赛尔公司的一家子公司,该交易预计将在2020年底前完成。
沙索表示,公司旗下子公司沙索化学美国公司与利安德巴赛尔公司旗下LyondellBasell LC Offtake LLC签署了一系列协议和条款细则,其中还包括出售其莱克查尔斯地产项目中的一部分,并基于这些资产创建一家各占50%股份的合资企业。
张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
Sasol to Sell Interest in Louisiana Operations for $2 Bln
Sasol Ltd. said Friday that it would sell its 50% interest at the Lccp Base Chemicals Business in Louisiana to a subsidiary of LyondellBasell Industries NV for $2 billion, and that the transaction is expected to be implemented before the end of 2020.
The South Africa-based petrochemical and energy company said its subsidiary Sasol Chemicals USA LLC entered into a suite of agreements and term sheets with LyondellBasell LC Offtake LLC that also includes the sale of the portion of the Lake Charles property from which it operates, and the creation of a 50-50 joint venture in relation to those assets.
The company said the transaction requires the approval of more than 50% of shareholder votes, and voting at a general meeting. It said a circular will be delivered in due course.
Sasol said the transaction will represent a significant step toward reducing its net debt and help accelerate its shift toward its Future Sasol Strategy.
The company said that under the agreement it will retain ownership and operatorship of the U.S. performance chemicals business, the other legacy base chemicals assets at Lake Charles, and the remainder of the Lake Charles property.