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作者: 2020年10月10日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据世界天然气网10月7日消息 美国液化天然气出口项目开发商NextDecade正在为其拟建的Rio Grande液化天然气项目开发碳中和工艺。

据世界天然气网10月7日消息 美国液化天然气出口项目开发商NextDecade正在为其拟建的Rio Grande液化天然气项目开发碳中和工艺。








吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


NextDecade eyes carbon-neutral Rio Grande LNG

US LNG export project developer, NextDecade is developing processes for its proposed Rio Grande LNG project to be carbon neutral.

The company said it has developed proprietary processes using proven technology to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions at the facility by approximately 90 percent.

NextDecade said it is also exploring options to address the remaining emissions to enable Rio Grande LNG to achieve carbon-neutrality.

Throughout the course of NextDecade’s pre-FID development activities, it has evaluated multiple technical solutions to ascertain the commercial viability of dramatically reducing CO2e emissions at Rio Grande LNG.

Based on these evaluations, NextDecade has determined that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the most feasible technical solution for Rio Grande LNG.

The company believes that the addition of CCS technology in conjunction with its proprietary processes could reduce the CO2e emissions of its Rio Grande LNG facility by approximately 90 percent.

While NextDecade advances its work in this area, the Company is also exploring options to address the remaining (approximately 10 percent) CO2e emissions.

NextDecade continues to work on remaining commercial agreements needed to achieve a final investment decision in 2021.

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