据路透社10月7日报道,新冠肺炎疫情中断了挪威海上油气项目的开发,推高了成本,推迟了挪国油Equinor 等公司的创效周期。
预计2021年天然气产量为1170亿立方米,低于一年前预测的1210亿立方米。挪威2021年的财政预算显示,Equinor的Martin Linge油气田目前预计将耗资608亿克朗,高于一年前估计的561亿克朗。
与此同时,公司旗下Johan Castberg Arctic油田项目预计成本为534亿克朗,高于此前预计的490亿克朗。
Equinor表示,通胀调整后,Martin Linge的36亿克朗成本增幅中,有一半受到疫情的影响。
疫情还中断了Johan Castberg在新加坡造船厂的浮式生产、储卸装置(FPSO)的建设,同时该公司还遇到了技术问题。
这两个项目都被推迟了一年左右,Martin Linge预计将在2021年夏天投产,Johan Castberg预计将在2023年第四季度投产。
Njord Future项目的成本也有所上升,计划的启动日期已被推迟到2021年。
王佳晶 摘译自 路透社
Pandemic pushes up cost of Norway's oil and gas projects
The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the development of Norway's offshore oil and gas projects, pushing up costs and postponing startups, the government and oil company Equinor EQNR.OL said on Wednesday.
The costs of ongoing projects rose by 13.2 billion Norwegian crowns ($1.4 billion) from a year ago on an inflation-adjusted basis, government documents showed, as COVID-19 restrictions stalled construction at several fields.
“The COVID-19 pandemic and weakened Norwegian (currency) have negatively impacted some of the projects, but the combined project portfolio is still very resilient,” Equinor said in a separate statement.
Following the delays, Norway’s oil output for next year is now expected to be 2.15 million barrels per day, slightly less than the 2.24 million predicted for 2021 one year ago, the government’s budget showed.
Gas production is expected to be 117 billion cubic metres (bcm), less than 121 bcm forecast a year ago.
Equinor’s Martin Linge oil and gas field is now expected to cost 60.8 billion crowns, up from an estimate of 56.1 billion a year ago, Norway’s 2021 fiscal budget showed.
The company’s Johan Castberg Arctic oilfield, meanwhile, is now expected to cost 53.4 billion crowns, up from 49 billion crowns previously, the government said.
Cost overruns also hit Equinor's Njord Future, Repsol's REP.MC Yme and other developments.
In March, the long-delayed Martin Linge development became the first offshore field to be hit by the pandemic when installation work was halted after an employee tested positive for the virus.
Half of the inflation-adjusted cost increase of 3.6 billion crowns for Martin Linge was down to infection control measures, Equinor said.
The pandemic also interrupted construction of the Johan Castberg’s floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) at a yard in Singapore, while the company also discovered technical problems.
Both projects have been delayed by about a year, with Martin Linge now expected to come on stream in the summer of 2021 and Johan Castberg in the fourth quarter of 2023.