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作者: 2020年10月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据烃加工网站10月8日报道 雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司(CPChem)宣布,该公司利用先进的回收技术首次实现了聚乙烯的商业规模生产。

据烃加工网站10月8日报道 雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司(CPChem)宣布,该公司利用先进的回收技术首次实现了聚乙烯的商业规模生产。



商业规模生产是一项重大成就,也是该公司两年来探索利用废塑料制造可循环聚合物的技术可行性的结果。雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司目前正致力于扩大其可循环聚乙烯的生产,以满足其雄心勃勃的生产计划。通过ISC认证的新的塑料和塑料生产商的可持续性认证(ISCC Plus?)采用国际公认的质量平衡认证方法。


一旦获得认证,雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司打算重新以Marlex?商标销售其新的可循环聚乙烯系列产品? 可循环聚乙烯。

王磊 摘译自 烃加工


Chevron Phillips Chemicals new success in advanced recycling technology

Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem) has announced success in its first commercial scale production of polyethylene using advanced recycling technology.

Advanced recycling, sometimes referred to as “chemical recycling,” converts plastic waste to valuable liquids that can become new petrochemicals. This approach complements traditional recycling by converting a range of materials, including many difficult-to-recycle plastics, into important building blocks for new chemicals. Because of the potential to repeatedly recycle post-use plastics into new materials, polymers produced through advanced recycling are often referred to as “circular polymers.” Chevron Phillips Chemical’s circular polyethylene matches the performance and safety specifications of the virgin polymers Chevron Phillips Chemical is known for globally.

“We are exceptionally proud to be the first company to announce production of a circular polyethylene on this scale in the U.S.,” said Jim Becker, vice president of polymers and sustainability. “The successful production run marks a huge step for CPChem on our path to being a world leader in producing circular polymers. This development is an important milestone for us as we further our commitment to proactively help the world find sustainable solutions, including the elimination of plastic waste in the environment.”

Commercial scale production is a significant achievement, and the result of the company’s two-year exploration into the technical viability of creating circular polymers from waste plastics. Chevron Phillips Chemical is now working on scaling up its production of circular polyethylene to meet its ambitious production plans. That includes working with several proven suppliers of pyrolysis oil, the feedstock made from waste plastics, and pursuing certification for the new polyethylene through the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Plus (ISCC Plus?) approach using their internationally recognized mass balance certification methodology.

Chevron Phillips Chemical’s sustainability technical manager, Ron Abbott, said, “All recycling methods have a role to play in reducing plastic waste and achieving the societal sustainability goals we all want. This advanced recycling technology allows us to recover hydrocarbons from plastic waste that have previously been difficult, or even impossible to recycle, enabling us to upgrade them into clean, safe circular plastics. We are excited to be at the forefront of this technology as we seek to implement sustainable solutions that cultivate a circular economy.”

Upon certification, Chevron Phillips Chemical intends to market its new circular polyethylene range under the trade name Marlex? Anew? Circular Polyethylene.

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