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作者: 2020年10月12日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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OGA的首席执行官Andy Samuel表示,OGA非常高兴授予这个许可证,我们希望这将是一个非常成功的项目。我们引领的能源整合工作表明,各种能源系统的结合,包括碳捕获和氢,可以为英国2050年的净零排放目标做出重大贡献。HyNet是一个令人兴奋的能源整合行动的例子——重新利用现有的基础设施和枯竭油藏进行大量的碳储存,并结合各种创新用途的氢气生产。

埃尼集团首席执行官Claudio Descalzi表示,我们很高兴也很自豪地宣布,埃尼集团获得了英国碳存储CS004许可证,这是该集团获得的首个此类许可证。这是埃尼集团非常重要的项目,是英国2050年零碳目标的里程碑,也是埃尼集团坚定致力于的能源转型和脱碳战略的基础支柱。



郝芬 译自 OE


UK: Eni Plans to Store CO2 in Depleted Oil and Gas Reservoirs in Liverpool Bay

Italian oil and gas company Eni has received a carbon dioxide (CO2) appraisal and storage license (CS license) in an area located within the Liverpool Bay area of the East Irish Sea.

Under the license awarded by the UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA), Eni plans to reuse and repurpose depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs (the Hamilton, Hamilton North and Lennox fields) and associated infrastructure to permanently store CO2 captured in NW England and N Wales.

"The application for a CS license was made by Eni in order to help address the decarbonization needs of NW England and N Wales and aims to be part of a collaborative effort with industrial companies to capture and transport CO2 from existing industries and future hydrogen production sites for fuel switching, heating, power and transportation in the context of UK targets for net-zero emissions by 2050," OGA said.

According to OGA, Eni expects the project to benefit local communities by creating new job opportunities and assist to develop the economy of the area while providing "a tangible pathway" to energy transition and decarbonization.

Andy Samuel, Chief Executive of the OGA said: “The OGA is very pleased to award this license for what we hope will be a highly successful project. The Energy Integration work we’ve been leading shows that the combination of various energy systems, including carbon capture and hydrogen, can make a significant contribution to the UK’s net zero 2050 target. HyNet is an exciting example of energy integration in action – re-using existing infrastructure and depleted reservoirs for significant carbon storage, coupled with hydrogen generation for a variety of innovative uses.”

Claudio Descalzi, Eni CEO commented: “I’m delighted and proud to announce the award of the license CS004 for carbon storage in the UK, first license of its kind for Eni. This is a vitally important project for Eni and represents a milestone for the 2050 Net Zero ambitions of the UK and a fundamental pillar for the strategy of energy transition and decarbonization that Eni is strongly committed to.”

Eni has been awarded a CS Licence with a six-year ‘Appraisal Term’, allowing assessments and planning that may lead to a subsequent application to the OGA for a storage permit and the associated approvals required prior to any CO2 storage operations commencing.

While the appraisal term is for six years, Eni can apply for a storage permit at any time during the appraisal term, which should then require further consents form OGA.

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标签:二氧化碳 埃尼 CS许可证
