据Oil & Gas Journal网站10月9日消息 根据圭亚那近海作业的现有商业授权协议,埃克森美孚已将其与诺布尔公司使用Noble Tom Madden超深水钻井船的合同延长6.5年。
最初合同有效期至2024年2月中旬,附加期限延长至2030年8月中旬。根据原始协议,钻机日费率将至少更新两次/年,并根据原始协议提供基于规模的折扣和绩效奖金,该协议还为埃克森美孚在Noble Don Taylor、Noble Bob Douglas、Noble Tom Madden和Noble Sam Croft之间转让授予期限提供了灵活性。
王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal
ExxonMobil extends rig contract for work offshore Guyana
ExxonMobil has extended its contract with Noble Corp. PLC for use of the Noble Tom Madden ultra-deepwater drillship by 6.5 years under an existing commercial enabling agreement for work offshore Guyana.
Originally contracted until mid-February 2024, the additional term extends the contract until mid-August 2030. Rig day rate will be updated at least twice/year subject to a scale-based discount and performance bonus under the original agreement which also provides ExxonMobil flexibility to transfer awarded term between rigs Noble Don Taylor, Noble Bob Douglas, Noble Tom Madden, and Noble Sam Croft.