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作者: 2020年10月14日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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瓦锡兰公司气体解决方案副总裁Antti Kuokkanen在一份声明中说,“LNG作为海运和运输行业中减少排放燃料的使用已经得到认可,而引入能够与LNG混合的生物LNG显然是使二氧化碳中性运输燃料成为可能的下一个步骤。”




李峻 编译自 石油新闻


Finland's Wartsila to build carbon-neutral LNG production plant in Germany

Finland-based technology company Wartsila said Oct. 8 it would build a CO2-neutral LNG production facility in Cologne, Germany, that is expected to be fully operational by the autumn of 2022.

The facility is designed to have a capacity of 100,000 mt/year with the LNG produced set for use in the transportation sector, it said.

"The use of LNG as an emissions-reducing fuel in the marine and transportation industries is already well established, and to introduce bioLNG which can be mixed with LNG is the next obvious step in enabling a CO2-neutral transportation fuel," Wartsila's vice president for gas solutions, Antti Kuokkanen, said in a statement.

The feedstock for bioLNG is based on biological waste material such as liquid manure and food waste, which is fed to an anaerobic digestion reactor that produces biogas.

That gas is then upgraded to biomethane and injected into the gas grid, the company said.

Wartsila said its plant in Cologne would include a gas treatment system, a liquefaction unit storage tanks, truck filling stations, and all necessary safety flare and auxiliary equipment.

"The plant is expected to be fully operational by autumn 2022," it said.

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标签:瓦锡兰 LNG厂 中性运输燃料
