据天然气加工网站10月9日消息 印度石油天然气公司财务负责人表示,最近印度天然气价格的下调将使该公司在截至3月份的本财年天然气业务收入减少约10亿美元。
财务总监Subhash Kumar表示,生产成本平均约为3.60-3.70美元/每百万英热单位,这意味着自天然气价格下调以来,该公司亏损2美元/每百万英热单位,损失约1000亿卢比的收入。
印度石油天然气公司主席Shashi Shankar在新闻发布会上表示,印度需要使天然气价格对生产商有利,以提高当地产量,因为该国希望到2030年将清洁燃料在其能源结构中的份额从目前的6.2%提高到15%。
吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气
ONGC sees gas revenue hit by $1 billion due to price cut
A recent cut in Indian gas prices will wipe about $1 billion off Oil and Natural Gas Corp.’s (ONGC) revenue from its gas business in the current fiscal year ending in March, the company’s finance chief said.
India has slashed prices of gas produced from old blocks - handed to explorers without bidding - by about a quarter to a multi-year low of $1.79 per MM metric British thermal units MMBtu).
ONGC produces over 95% of its 70 MM standard cubic meters per day (mmscmd) of gas output through old blocks.
Finance chief Subhash Kumar said production costs averaged about $3.60-3.70 per mmBtu, which means it is making a loss of $2 per mmBtu since the gas price cut, losing about 100 billion rupees of revenue.
“But since we don’t have to pay taxes on this loss, eventually it comes to 60-70 billion rupees ($821 million-$958 million). That is the net loss in the gas business,” Kumar told a news conference after a shareholders’ meeting.
India needs to make gas prices ‘remunerative’ for producers to boost local output as the country wants to raise the share of the cleaner fuel in its energy mix to 15% by 2030, from 6.2% currently, ONGC’s Chairman Shashi Shankar told the news briefing.