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埃克森美孚与PKN Orlen签署首次供货合同

作者: 2021年03月18日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据原油新闻3月15日消息称,根据与波兰石油公司PKN Orlen签订的长期合同,埃克森美孚每年将交付100万吨原油。

据原油新闻3月15日消息称,根据与波兰石油公司PKN Orlen签订的长期合同,埃克森美孚每年将交付100万吨原油。

Orlen公司首席执行官Daniel Obajtek在推特上写道:“这是历史上第一次,PKN Orlen公司与美国签订了长期原油供应合同。与埃克森美孚的合同规定,每年向我们在波兰、捷克共和国和立陶宛的炼油厂运送100万吨原油。”



曹海斌 摘译自 原油新闻


ExxonMobil & PKN Orlen Sign First Time Supply Contract

Exxon Mobil will deliver one million tonnes of crude oil annually under a long-term contract signed with Poland's oil company PKN Orlen.

"For the first time in history PKN Orlen has concluded a long-term contract for the supply of crude oil from the US,” Orlen's CEO Daniel Obajtek wrote on Twitter. “The contract with Exxon Mobil provides for the delivery of one million tonnes of crude oil annually to our refineries in Poland, the Czech Republic and Lithuania."

Obajtek added that the contract is one more step towards the diversification of Orlen’s supply sources.

Currently, Orlen Group refineries receive crude from Saudi Arabia, Russia as well as from the North Sea, Angola and Nigeria, the company wrote in a press release.?

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标签:埃克森美孚 炼油厂
