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作者: 2021年03月18日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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雪佛龙首席执行官Michael Wirth在周二的报告中对分析师表示,无论油价如何波动,雪佛龙都可以实现其产量和碳排放目标。

“我们不会押注更高的价格来拯救我们,” 他说,这显然是在挖苦埃克森和其它指望油价反弹来弥补派息和偿还债务的公司。到2025年,雪佛龙的资本回报率(衡量公司投资效率的指标)可以翻一番以上,达到10%以上。


加拿大皇家银行资本市场分析师Biraj Borkhataria表示,预计到2025年,扣除股息和项目支出后的自由现金流将达到250亿美元,这“令人失望”。


朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思


Chevron to slow carbon emissions, raise oil and gas output through 2025

Chevron outlined a plan to expand oil and gas production through 2025, but without spending significantly more, and pledged to limit the pace of growth of its carbon emissions, reported Reuters.

Falling energy demand due to pandemic-driven lockdowns sent the industry into a tailspin in 2020 and led Chevron to a USD5.54 billion annual loss, its first since 2016.

Investors have been pressuring Chevron and other oil companies to hold spending flat and reduce emissions that contribute to climate change.

Chief Executive Officer Michael Wirth told analysts in a presentation on Tuesday that Chevron can achieve its output and carbon goals regardless of oil price fluctuations.

"We're not betting on higher prices to bail us out," he said in an apparent dig at Exxon and others counting on oil's rebound to cover dividends and debt repayments. By 2025, Chevron can more than double its return on capital employed, a measure of how efficiently a company invests, to more than 10%.

Still, some analysts were unimpressed with the climate and emissions goals, viewing them as too modest. Shares dipped a fraction from a one-year high to USD109.50.

A forecast of USD25 billion in free cash flow through 2025 after dividends and project outlays is "underwhelming," said Biraj Borkhataria, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets.

The carbon intensity goals "lag the industry average" and "focus on its controllable elements" rather than building new business lines," that could contribute to profits, he added.

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标签:雪佛龙 资本回报率
