据今日油价网站3月16日消息 电池供应链研究和价格报告机构Benchmark Mineral Intelligence的首次月中评估显示,在磷酸锂铁(LFP)电池需求旺盛的背景下,中国锂价格继续呈指数级上涨。
Benchmark 3月中旬的电池级碳酸锂中点价格(中国出厂价,≥99.0% Li2CO3)显示,该原材料自年初以来上涨88%,至每吨12600美元以上,为2019年3月以来的最高水平。
王磊 摘译自 今日油价
Lithium Prices Have Soared 88% This Year
Lithium prices continue to rise exponentially in China on the back of heavy demand for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, the first ever mid-month assessment by battery supply chain research and price reporting agency Benchmark Mineral Intelligence shows.
Benchmark’s battery grade lithium carbonate midpoint price (EXW China, ≥99.0% Li2CO3) for mid-March shows the raw material up 88% just since the start of the year to over $12,600 a tonne, the highest level since March 2019.
Benchmark says in its new report some transactions were concluded as high as $13,400 on signs of a market shortage with producers running out of inventory. The last time domestic Chinese lithium carbonate sold for more than $13,000 was August 2018.
Lithium hydroxide prices in China have also rallied this year, up more than 20%, although a relatively deep discount to carbonate continues to exist.
Hydroxide prices came close to $25,000 a tonne and carbonate peaked at $23,000 at the start of 2018, but entered a steady decline that only bottomed at the end of last year.