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作者: 2021年03月24日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据3月22日Neftegaz.RU报道, TAP管道是南部天然气走廊的最后一段,这是欧洲天然气供应多样化的主要项目。据当地阿泽塔克报道,自2020年12月开始通过TAP输送天然气后,跨亚得里亚管道股份公司宣布,阿塞拜疆共有10亿

据3月22日Neftegaz.RU报道, TAP管道是南部天然气走廊的最后一段,这是欧洲天然气供应多样化的主要项目。据当地阿泽塔克报道,自2020年12月开始通过TAP输送天然气后,跨亚得里亚管道股份公司宣布,阿塞拜疆共有10亿立方米天然气通过希腊的基波伊互联点进入欧洲,TAP连接到跨安纳托利亚管道。


TAP公司总裁Luca Schieppati说:“现在,我们已经安全地将10亿立方米的天然气输送到欧洲多个市场。随着10亿立方米天然气的安全运输,我们的基础设施将继续实现多元化发展。TAP提供的天然气量在为欧盟提供安全、可靠和新能源方面发挥了关键作用,同时促进了欧盟的能源转型路线图。”

TAP商务主管Marija Savova表示:“第一个10亿立方米的交付增强了市场竞争,并加强了TAP作为一个可靠的TSO的作用。TAP在东南欧尤为重要,那里有几个市场可以直接获得额外的天然气。此外,还公开邀请参加2021年7月的市场测试约束性招标,以测试TAP的潜在扩容能力。”


TAP的股权为BP占股20%、SOCAR占股20%、Snam占股20%、Fluxys占股19%、 Enagás占股16%、Axpo占股5%。

冯于荣 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


TAP transports 1st 1 billion m3 of natural gas to Europe

The TAP pipeline is the last section of the Southern Gas Corridor, Europe's major project for diversification of gas supplies

Following the commencement of gas flows via TAP in December 2020, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG announces that a total of 1 billion m3 (bcm) of natural gas from Azerbaijan has now entered Europe via the Greek interconnection point of Kipoi, where TAP connects to the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the local Azertac reported.

As the European section of the Southern Gas Corridor, TAP has the capacity to transport approximately 10 billion m3 of gas per annum (bcm/a) to several markets in Europe.

The pipeline is also designed with the potential to expand its throughput capacity up to 20 bcm/a.

TAP Managing Director Luca Schieppati said:

With 1 bcm of gas now safely transported, our infrastructure continues to enable diversification across multiple markets.

The gas volumes delivered by TAP play a key role in providing the EU with a new source of secure, reliable and affordable energy, while facilitating its energy transition roadmap.

TAP Head of Commercial Marija Savova commented:

The delivery of the 1st 1 bcm enhances market competition and reinforces TAP’s role as a reliable TSO.TAP is particularly important in South Eastern Europe, where several markets could directly receive additional gas.Moreover, there are open invitations to participate in the July 2021 binding bidding phase of the market test for the potential expansion of TAP’s capacity.

TAP is the European leg of the Southern Gas Corridor, a gateway project that will transport 10 billion m3 of new gas supplies from Azerbaijan to multiple markets in Europe.

The TAP system operates in line with internationally recognized quality, safety and environmental standards, and is designed with the potential to double its throughput capacity to 20 bcm/a.

TAP's shareholding is comprised of:

BP (20%)

SOCAR (20%)

Snam (20%)

Fluxys (19%)

Enagás (16%)

Axpo (5%)

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