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作者: 2021年04月07日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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先锋首席执行官Scott D. Sheffield在声明说:“双点能源公司在米德兰盆地积累了令人印象深刻的高质量足迹。”他指的是二叠纪页岩区的土地。这笔交易将“为我们的股东创造重大价值”。

此次收购将是今年北美石油业规模最大的交易之一,也是油价在过去5个月迅速飙升至每桶60美元以上以来的第一笔大宗交易。双点的投资者包括阿波罗全球管理公司、量子能源合作伙伴、磁力资本和黑石集团的 GSO 资本合作伙伴。



彭博情报高级行业分析师Vincent G. Piazza在一份报告中表示:“先锋将成为二叠纪整合的大型独立幸存者之一。该公司最近的交易创造了“盆地中一个强大的竞争对手,其规模和资产集中度令人羡慕。”

双点是由联合首席执行官Cody Campbell和John Sellers创立的,他们在美国页岩气繁荣的早期,他们曾在德克萨斯州南部的鹰福特地区承包钻井租约,后来转投利润更丰厚的二叠纪盆地。在那里,他们在包括阿波罗在内的私人股本公司的支持下,聚集了大量股份。2017年,这两人以28亿美元的价格将约7万英亩土地的使用权卖给了Parsley。


曹海斌 摘译自 世界石油


Pioneer buys Permian’s DoublePoint Energy in $6.4 billion deal

Pioneer Natural Resources Co. is buying DoublePoint Energy LLC in a deal valued at $6.4 billion, less than three months after completing its purchase of fellow shale driller Parsley Energy Inc. as it expands in the U.S. Permian Basin.

The deal is comprised of approximately 27.2 million shares of Pioneer common stock, $1 billion of cash and assumption of approximately $900 million of debt and liabilities, according to a statement from Pioneer. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter. Bloomberg News reported earlier that the companies were close to an agreement.

Pioneer will increase its position to more than 1 million net acres through the deal, acquiring “primarily undrilled” new land.

“DoublePoint has amassed an impressive, high quality footprint in the Midland Basin,” Pioneer Chief Executive Officer Scott D. Sheffield said in the statement, referring to land within the larger Permian shale play. The deal will generate “significant value for our shareholders.”

The acquisition will be one of the largest in North America’s oil industry this year, and the first big transaction since the rapid run-up in oil prices to more than $60 a barrel over the past five months. DoublePoint’s investors include Apollo Global Management Inc., Quantum Energy Partners, Magnetar Capital and Blackstone Group Inc.’s GSO Capital Partners.

Sheffield is expanding in the Permian Basin in the aftermath of the worst oil-industry collapse in history. Crude prices have advanced 27% this year, more than erasing 2020’s slump, amid increasing optimism that economies will continue to reopen, sparking demand for gasoline, diesel and other fuels.

The deal is the latest in a series of transactions as U.S. drillers consolidate in an effort to survive the upheavals caused by the pandemic. Pioneer in October agreed to buy Parsley Energy for $4.5 billion in stock, which followed a $9.7 takeover by ConocoPhillips of Concho Resources Inc.

“Pioneer is favorably positioned to emerge as one of the large, independent survivors of Permian consolidation,” Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Industry Analyst Vincent G. Piazza said in a note. The company’s recent deals have created “a formidable rival in the basin, with enviable scale and asset concentration.”

DoublePoint was founded by co-CEOs Cody Campbell and John Sellers, who made their names flipping drilling leases in the Eagle Ford region of South Texas in the early days of the U.S. shale boom before moving on to the more lucrative Permian Basin. There they assembled large holdings with backing from private equity firms including Apollo. In 2017, the pair sold rights to about 70,000 acres to Parsley for $2.8 billion.

Shortly thereafter, they raised more money, formed DoublePoint and set to work snapping up drilling rights in the Permian’s Midland sub-region. DoublePoint was running seven drilling rigs and was on course to produce 80,000 barrels of oil a day as of the first quarter this year.?

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标签:先锋 双点能源
