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作者: 2021年04月09日 来源:中国石化新闻网 浏览量:
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据原油新闻2021年4月6日休斯敦报道,美国初创企业麦克斯中游公司(Max Midstream)创始人兼总裁托德·爱德华兹4月6日在一次采访中表示,该公司计划在5月初将其第一批原油货物运往西北欧,届时该公司将在德克萨斯州建

据原油新闻2021年4月6日休斯敦报道,美国初创企业麦克斯中游公司(Max Midstream)创始人兼总裁托德·爱德华兹4月6日在一次采访中表示,该公司计划在5月初将其第一批原油货物运往西北欧,届时该公司将在德克萨斯州建立一个新的原油出口中心。





李峻 编译自 原油新闻


Max Midstream to start Texas crude exports in May

Startup Max Midstream plans to put a new Texas crude export hub on the map in early-May when it ships its first cargo that is bound for northwestern Europe, founder and President Todd Edwards said in an interview.

Max will send a test shipment in late-April from its new crude export terminal at the Port of Calhoun to Port Arthur, Texas, and then exports of Eagle Ford-grade crude oil will begin in May, said Edwards.

The overall goal is establishing an export hub -- between Houston and Corpus Christi -- where there is little existing ship traffic and the Port of Calhoun can focus primarily on crude shipments to Europe, while larger competitors send most of their oil to Asia. Max recently opened a Geneva-based trading office.

"It's exciting," Edwards said. "We've accomplished a lot. We expect our first export to Northwest Europe in the first week of May."

A small cargo of Eagle Ford crude with an API of 45 degrees loading at Port Calhoun was heard offered at a 50 cents/b discount to WTI at the Magellan East Houston terminal. The offer was for up to 500,000 barrels and will load on Panamax-sized tanker due to draft restrictions, sources said.

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